Sophie Olejnik, 14
1963 June 2
Hillsborough, Somerset County, NJ
Cause of death: forcible drowning.
Forensic characteristics: abducted or ambushed - killed
in the vicinity of the encounter - on rural road and bush terrain - found
facedown in six-inches of water on bank of creek - mud and sand found
in mouth - clad in orange blouse ripped open in front - peddle-pusher/toreador
style pants partly pulled
down - no penetrative rape reported or determined - walked or forced
through bush on footpath from road to creek - drowned forcibly by head being
held in mud and creek - purse found on the opposite bank of the creek with contents intact
- Sunday afternoon.
Sophie Olejnik,14, June 2, 1963 departed her home at 49 N. 11th Avenue,
Manville, Somerset County to attend an afternoon dance at the Polish Falcons
Camp.. Last seen 2:30 walking on Champlain and turning south down Sunnymeade
Road the Polish Falcon Camp on Falcon Road,
approximately 1.2 miles away.
Found June 8, 1963 face down in six inches of water in Royces Brook,
according to newspaper "200
yards upstream from Sunnymeade Road" and "600-800 yards south of where last
seen at Champlain Road, Hillsborough, N.J.
Eleanor Sophia Lynch (Grosshans), 28
1964 Jan 13
372 Mount Prospect Ave, Newark, Essex County, NJ
Cause of death: "Multiple stab wounds to both sides of chest, penetrating both lungs; bi-lateral hemo thorax, stab wound of lower back penetrating Liver, Hemo Peritoneum." (Dr. Edwin Albano Chief ME Essex County)
Forensic characteristics: victim abducted shortly after
12:30 a.m. from place of work (motel office) - transported in
perpetrator's vehicle to a second location.
Eleanor Sophia Lynch, 28, was found Monday 7:00 a.m. at 372 Mount Prospect
Ave, Newark, Essex County, N.J. Cromwell Terrace Apartments, in the basement
boiler room. She was face down on the floor - 62 stab wounds to chest, back and side
inflicted by 2-and-a-half-inch pocket-knife blade The door to basement and boiler room was usually kept
unlocked according to the custodian who discovered her body. Time of death was estimated at 4:00 a.m.
Employed as desk clerk at Dixie Motel on Route 1 in Woodbridge where she was last seen
early Monday morning 12:30 a.m. at next-door diner. Remnants of take-out
dinner found on desk in motel office along with the victim's purse with
identification. Her
car found in parking lot at motel. $93 and a TV set missing from motel -
night of Sunday-Monday.
Resided at 153 Cooper Street, Iselin, Woodbridge, NJ.
Separated. Mother of three. Identified by her father Alfred Grosshans, Union NJ, and Mrs. Anna Foley a co-employee.
Estranged husband Edward Lynch, 29, determined to have been living in
California since October 1963 and residing there at the time of the murder
at 3359 Canyon Crest Drive, Altadena, California. Case oddly under-reported
in newspapers.
Anne Rubenstein, 41 & Mae Rubenstein, 12 [ DOUBLE
1965 February 13
437 South Third Ave in Highland Park, Middlesex County, NJ
Cause of death: child Mae stabbed 15 times with death caused by
severing the jugular vein; Anne stabbed 35 times stab wound to the left
chest heart causing death
Forensic characteristics: double murder - in home - no penetrative sexual assault reported - no theft -Stabbing - female child 12 years-old initial victim found in kitchen - mother found in entryway. Victims murdered in home. Saturday afternoon murder.
Mae Rubenstein was left alone in house while mother Anne was shopping. Anne was slain in the front foyer leading to the bedroom when she returned home probably after Mae was murdered in the kitchen. Victims were stabbed in the neck, face and chest by a long-bladed kitchen knife. Anne was still wearing heavy wool coat and groceries were found on the floor by her. Scuffle marks were visible on the floor. More than a hundred dollars were found at the scene and nothing appeared to be stolen. Murdered on Saturday between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm in the first floor apartment of their home. Bodies discovered at 2:30 pm by nine-year-old nephew visiting. Bodies removed from the scene by funeral home by 6:00 pm. Father and older brother away at work.
Mary Ann Klinsky, 18 CASE CLOSED 2016
1965 September 16 Exit
116, Garden State Parkway, Holmdale, Monmouth County,
Cause of death: blunt trauma skull fracture intracranial bleeding.
Forensic characteristics: penetrative rape reported. Wednesday night murder.
Found nude, battered to death, raped on a Thursday around 3:00 p.m. Cause of death: blunt trauma skull fracture intracranial bleeding. Disappeared the night before. Penetrative rape according to the media. Last seen 1965 Sept 15, apx. 9:00 p.m. on Keansburg Boardwalk.
DNA evidence in 2016 identified serial killer Robert Zarinsky as the perpetrator.
Alys Jean Eberhardt, 18
1965 September 24 3-34
Saddle River Road, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: double skull fracture with a blunt object to left and right side of head.
Forensic characteristics: 61 post-mortem stab wounds to
neck and chest with 18-inch kitchen knife, found protruding from neck.
Souvenir letter opener dagger left at scene on the floor between the
victim's legs by perpetrator. Clothing and bra pushed up around victim's
neck, nude to the waist, lying on her back. Victim murdered in home. No penetrative rape
according to media reports. Victim might have been wearing a white
student nurse uniform. Friday afternoon murder.
Student nurse left dormitory at Hackensack Hospital School of Nursing 2:30 pm
to go home and found in her home in the living room [den] by her father at
5:30 p.m. No sign of forced entry. Attack began in bedroom
upstairs and progressed down the stairs into the living room [den].
Murdered Friday between 4:15 and 5:15 pm.
Stabbed post-mortem 60 times with an 18-inch kitchen knife in the neck
and chest. Kitchen knife protruding from the neck.
A four-inch souvenir curved dagger from the Jordanian Pavilion at New
York Worlds Fair 1964-65 was brought to the scene by the perpetrator and
found on the floor between the victim's legs. Only one thousand
daggers made and sold at the Jordanian Pavilion Worlds Fair or in New York
City at the House of Jordan store on 38th Street and Third Avenue
and the Acropolis 44th Street and Eighth Avenue. Sheath never found.
Joanne Fantazier, 17
1966 Feb 11 Colts Neck
Township, Monmouth County, NJ.
Cause of death: brain hemorrhage due to blunt force
trauma to back of the head and hypothermia.
Forensic characteristics: Abducted Thursday night.
Struck with blunt object back of the head. Thrown off the bridge while still
alive but unconscious. Found clad in red dress and raccoon fur coat.
High heel leather shoes missing. Purse with personal
items and papers found by side of road. No evident sexual assault.
February 10, 1966, Thursday, 6:30 pm. left home from 612 Florida Grove Road,
Perth Amboy, to visit girlfriend. Last seen at the Delaney-Dunlap
projects near her home.
Found Friday, February 11 in Colts Neck Township, face down on ice of Yellow
Brook at Muhlenbrink Road bridge. Dropped from bridge twelve feet below.
Wendy Sue Wolin Fleischner, 7
1966 March 8 Irvington and Prince Street, Elizabeth,
Union County,
Cause of death: stab to the chest.
Forensic characteristics: 7 year-old child victim.
Murdered in street. Single stab wound. Possibly
disguised or wearing human mask. Tuesday afternoon murder.
Murdered on a Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. Stabbed once in the chest with a
hunting knife while walking on Irvington Street to wait for her mother as
she was pulling out her car from the rear of their nearby apartment
building. Died an hour later. Children who witnessed the stabbing described
a middle-aged white man in his mid-forties, stocky, about 220 lbs, with
thick grey hair, “lifeless” pale face, wearing a dark grey or brown felt
fedora and olive green three-quarter length corduroy coat and grey pants.
Subject walked around to Prince Street dropping the hunting knife about 200
feet away from the scene.
Other adult witnesses report seeing a subject matching a similar description in the vicinity shortly prior to the murder, assaulting and accosting two other girls.
Catherine Baker, 16
1966-03-17 Edison
Township, Middlesex County/Jackson Township, Ocean County, NJ.
Cause of death: multiple skull fractures and
Forensic characteristics: abducted near home and a shopping
center - found in water - nude from waist down - beaten about the head -
sexual assault indetermined due to decomposition
Thurs March 17 1966, 7:00 pm left home at 48 Gurley Road in Nixon, Edison
Township to a bakery a block away in the Edison Shopping Center on
Woodbridge Avenue, to buy cupcakes for her mother. Witnesses claimed to have
seen her in the vicinity at 8:50 pm.
Baker was wearing pink sweater, brown pants and three-quarter length green
suede jacket and glasses.
May 14, 1966 Found in water south branch Metedeconk River near Cook's
Bridge, Jackson Township. (226 N Cooks Bridge Rd, Jackson Township, New
August 13, 1966 Ivan Joseph Rule, 18, of 102 Mill Road committed suicide in
his cell when he was detained for questioning. Rule had briefly dated Baker.
A letter was found by police written by Baker to a friend in which she
stated that Rule threatened to kill her if she dated anyone else. Rule, who
might have not known that he was detained as a suspect in the Baker murder,
was on probation for a conviction in auto registration fraud and might have
become distraught at the possibility of being returned to a reformatory. He
hung himself with his own belt which police failed to secure prior to
locking him in a holding cell.
Janet Ipsaro Adams, 18
1966 April 4 329
E. Midland Avenue, Paramus, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics:
post-mortem stab wound. Sexual activity but no indications of forcible rape.
Murdered in home. Monday afternoon murder.
Murdered on a between 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm. Found nude in her second
story garage apartment on bathroom floor. Strangled with husband’s neck tie
(or hairnet) in bedroom. Signs of recent sexual activity. Bra torn. Dragged into bathroom.
Found in bathtub half filled with water. Bruised on the forehead and scratches on hands. Four-inch scissors driven
into in her left breast post-mortem. Strangulation cause of death. Married
several days before. Wedding party with
some forty teenage guests on Sunday night. Last seen buying cleaning
supplies and thank-you notes at about 1:00 pm Monday. Found by
landlord after 3:00 pm.
Carol Ann Farino, 18
1966 Nov 03
22 Sommer Ave, Maplewood, Essex County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: Abducted. Found laying on her back, head pointing west, about 20-25 feet from the side walk. Dressed in what appeared to be a white uniform, had no shoes or stockings on, a pink girdle wrapped around her right ankle. Wearing panties which did not appear to be disturbed. Her uniform was unbuttoned at the front but there did not appear to be any tears in her clothing, and the white uniform was not smudged or dirty. Her legs were exposed almost to the waist and were clean, no scratches of smudges. Deep strangulation mark around the neck where her nylon stocking was knotted tightly. Thursday evening murder. One stocking and shoes missing.
Found at 8:45 PM. in driveway 25-feet away from the curb of a home at 22 Sommer Ave, Maplewood, NJ. Killed about 25 minutes prior to being discovered. Found 8 blocks from her home at 5 Jefferson Street.
Believed to have been carried from a vehicle about 25 feet to the site. No information on penetrative rape.
Carol Ann Farino left work Nov 3, 1966 from Milt's
Cup and Saucer at 174 Maplewood at 7:30 p.m. She stopped in
George's Luncheonette at 153 Maplewood for a soda and spoke with the
owner from about 7:35-7:50. Farino was last seen by a girlfriend at
Maplewood Center at 193 Maplewood at 8:00 p.m.
Gail Gawlick, a fellow-worker at the Milt's strated a tall, thin man in his
20s with light hair and a mustache driving a late-model blue Chevrolet
attempted to persuade her to get into his car a few days earlier in front of
the store.
Mary Ann Della Sala, 18
1967 Jan 24
Passaic River near Ryerson Way, Hawthorne, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: undetermined.
Forensic characteristics: Found in river fully clothed - disappeared on the way home from work in store.
On Tuesday, January 24, 1967, at approximately 9 p.m., Mary Ann Della Sala, age 17, of 150 Hobart Street in Hackensack, NJ, finished her shift at the Shop Rite located on 330 Essex Street, in Hackensack. Mary Ann was reportedly offered a ride by a female co-worker, but declined because it was a nice night. Mary Ann chose to walk home. The co-worker did drive another employee home to Wood-Ridge. On her way back, she did not see Mary Ann along her normal route (Essex Street to Polifly Road to Lodi Street), and assumed that Mary Ann had arrived home.
Mary Anna Della Sala was last seen wearing a light blue sweater and suede jacket with tan pants, blue shoes and a blue headband. She was carrying a shoulder strap hand bag. She was also wearing her boyfriend’s Hackensack High School class ring which was engraved with his initials. Victim was found in Passaic River near Ryerson Way, Hawthorne, N.J. April 10, 1967. No cause of death determination.
Darlene DeWolff Polizzi, 19
Namus Case # MP18331
1967 April 24
400 Westminster Place in Lodi, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: found naked - beaten on right side of face - black eye - bruise back of head - found in own vehicle - strangled with rope - hands tied in front with thin cord - no signs of forcible penetrative rape - at a shopping center prior to death - was acquainted with her killer.
Oct 30, 1967 in her car parked at Brinkerhoff St & Homestead Pl in Ridgefield Park. Strangled with a rope or
tie. Face bruised. Black right eye. Bruise back of her head.
Hands tied in front with thin cord. Vogel's naked body was
partly draped by an army blanket or seat cover and was found on the floor of
her Rambler vehicle in the back seat area. At the time, Bergen County
Prosecutor Guy W. Calissi
stated Vogel "knew her killer because there was evidence she had sexual
relations and her clothes were folded 'neatly under her' on the seat of the
car in which her body was found."
On Friday, October 28, 1967, Vogel stated she was going out to play bingo at St. Margaret R.C. Church in Little Ferry but went shopping at Valley Fair departments store, making several purchases which were later found in her car.
Incarcerated serial killer Richard Cottingham pleaded guilty in Bergen County, August 2010. Jacalyn (Jackie) Harp
1968 July 17
175 Paterson Avenue,
Midland Park, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: strangled with leather flag sling - on the way home from drum and bugle band practice - clothes in disarray - struck in the face. Blood smeared and stomach, bruising on forehead. Wednesday night murder. No penetrative rape. Found morning of July 18 in treed lot between the rear of a house on 28 Morrow Road and a factory on 175 Paterson Avenue .
Reported missing by family after failing to return from evening band practice at Midland School field. Last seen apx. 9:50 p.m. walking home along Godwin St near the corner of Cross Street.
Incarcerated serial killer
Richard F. Cottingham confessed.
Joan Carole Freeman, 22
1968 August 31
800 Bloomfield Ave, Nutley
(Clifton), Passaic County, NJ
Jane Durrua, 13
1968 November 4
Middletown, Monmouth County, NJ.
Cause of death: cerebral hemorrhage from blunt force
trauma to head
Forensic characteristics: Clothes disheveled.
Shoes found under body. Monday night murder. Severe head injury above one
eye. Found in ditch in open field near railway tracks. Sexually assaulted.
Near shopping center. Monday evening murder.
1968 November 4, Monday, 4:55 pm, left her home at 51 Frazee Place,
Keansburg to visit her sister at 26 Dakota Avenue, East Keansburg,
Middleton, about 20-minute walk. Found next day in ditch south of railway
tracks (today Henry Hudson Bike Trail) frequently used by locals behind
Grandway Supermarket on Rte. 36. (today in vicinity of 99 Grove Street,
James Bellamy charged in 2004 on DNA evidence but charges dropped in 2006
after DNA sample contamination determined.
Robert Zarinsky charged in 2008 based on DNA evidence but died on eve of
Linda Balabanow, 17
March 26 1969 Roselle, Monmouth County/Woodbridge
Township, Middlesex County,
Cause of death: ligature strangulation and cerebral
hemorrhage resulting from fractured skull by blunt force trauma
Forensic characteristics: abducted on way home from work -
found in water - fractured skull from blunt force trauma - jaw broken -
beaten about the face - nude to the waist - no penetrative rape evident -
hands bound with rope - truck tire chain wrapped around the victim's neck,
hands and lower extremities - her dress wrapped around her face and head and
tied with an electrical cord around the her neck with a granny knot - shoes
March 26 1969 disappeared after leaving work at 5:00 pm in a drug store
store in Roselle. Victim did not return to her family home at 1766 Union
Avenue, Union, NJ.
Police treated Balabanow as a run-away, despite her leaving her money and
cosmetics at home.
April 27, 1969 found in Woodbridge Township, in Raritan River near Hess Oil dock.
In 1975 according to media reports, a hammer found in Robert Zarinsky's car
had blood and a hair adhering to it "similar" to that of Balabanow, but was
found to be insufficient evidence to lay charges.
Irene Blase, 18
1969 April 7
Hackensack - Saddle Brook, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: strangled with wire/rope or chain of the crucifix she was wearing. Beaten and bruised. Stabbed once through the back into the right lung. Partially disrobed. Found in water. Abducted from urban street. No determination of penetrative rape. Monday evening murder.
Irene Blase was seen on Main Street, in Hackensack, at approximately 8:00
p.m. Monday, April 7, 1969. She was seen again, at approximately 8:45 p.m., at the
Hackensack Bus Station with an unidentified white male. Irene was last seen
wearing a black long sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans. She was also wearing
a silver crucifix hanging around her neck and a “Belle Chasse High School
1965" class ring on her right hand.
Found April 8, 1969 facedown in 4 feet of water in Saddle River near I-80 behind Sani-Pure
Laboratories in Saddle Brook.
Incarcerated serial killer
Richard F. Cottingham confessed.
Gilda Ryan, 34
1969 April 28
8 Dolan Street, Sayreville County, Middlesex County, NJ
Cause of death: stab wound to the lung.
Forensic characteristics: Stabbed three times in the chest and stabbed and cut ten times at the abdomen, scalp and neck with a kitchen knife found at the scene. Murdered on a Monday night.
Gilda Ryan was a practical nurse employed at the Metuchen Nursing Home.
Found Tuesday at 1:00 am by Robert Lewis who lived with Ryan and her three children when he returned home to their second floor apartmen.
No further information released.
Susan Davis 19, & Elizabeth Perry, 19
1969 May 30
Garden State Parkway, Ocean City, Cape May County, NJ
Cause of death: stab wounds to the neck and chest.
Forensic characteristics:
in or from their vehicle - cut, stabbed and scratched with a short pen or paring
knife - some superficial knife scratches - bruised and beaten - evidence of
sexual assault [not specified] - one victim found nude with
fatal wound to the neck - the other victim wearing torn
garments with fatal stab wound to chest - Friday morning murder
- on Garden State Parkway
Susan Davis and Elizabeth Perry were last seen alive on
Friday May 30, 1969 at 4:30 a.m. in Ocean City having breakfast at the
Somers Point Diner, 8 MacArthur Blvd, Somers Point, NJ before heading north
in their baby blue Chevy convertible on the Garden State Parkway home
to Pennsylvania after a three day vacation in Ocean City.
Later that Friday, their car was found parked
about two miles north of the Somers Point-Point-Ocean City interchange, near
milepost 31.9 on the northbound side of Garden State Parkway and
routinely towed. On Sunday the girls were reported missing by their
Monday, June 1, at about 1:30 p.m. about 100 yards into the woods from where
the car had been towed, police found the bodies concealed under piles of
leaves approximately 20 feet apart.
Elizabeth Perry died of a chest wound penetrating her right lung and was
also stabbed in the abdomen. The side of her neck had superficial knife
scratches. Perry was found found dressed in her green dress, shoes and
undergarments. (Some reports indicate that the garments were disheveled
ripped or torn.)
Susan Davis was nude and died of wound to the neck that severed her larynx
and was also stabbed on the left side of her abdomen and the right side of
her neck. Her light blue jacket with initials, blue print dress and
underwear were found in a pile near her.
The handbags of both girls were found nearby, Davis's
purse with $3 and change.
Witnesses reported seeing at around 7:30 a.m. a dark colored Mustang parked
near where the blue convertible was found.
Some sources note that serial killer Ted Bundy attended Temple University from January through May 1969 and apparently did not move west until after Memorial Day weekend. While Bundy's accounts of his earliest crimes varied considerably between interviews, he told forensic psychologist Art Norman that his first murder victims were two women "in the Philadelphia area."
Denise Falasca, 15
1969 July 14
Closter, NJ / Saddle Brook, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: abducted near home - found by side of the road near cemetery - nude from waist up - bra loose around neck - beaten - bruises on chin and face - black eye - strangled with chain of crucifix according to police - sexually assaulted - bloody palm print on thigh - Monday evening murder
On Monday, July 14, 1969, at approximately 8:00 p.m., Denise Falasca, age
15, left her residence on 32 Bergenline Avenue in Closter, New Jersey, to go
to her friend's house in Westwood, NJ. Denise was supposed to be home at
11:00 p.m.; however, she never returned home. Witnesses reported seeing
Denise walking on Old Hook Road in Emerson, towards Westwood, at
approximately 9:00 p.m, that evening. Denise was wearing blue bell-bottom
jeans, a dark-colored shirt and carrying a brown leather-type drawstring
On Tuesday, July 15, 1969, Denise Falasca's body was discovered in front
of St. Mary's Cemetery on the side of Westminster Place in
Saddle Brook, N.J.
Incarcerated serial killer
Richard F. Cottingham confessed.
Joyce Coleman, 28
1970 February 2
245 Bartley Road, Long Valley, Morris County, NJ
Carol Hill, 20
1970 June
Hunt's Pier, Wildwood, Cape May County, NJ
Donna Albright, 13
1970 June 15
Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: undetermined.
Forensic characteristics: Monday night disappearance - on the way home from library - ring and parts of necklace found with body - body buried.
Reported missing by her father June 15,
1970. No newspaper reports. Donna, who had graduated from Corpus
Christie Elementary School three days prior, had been at the Hasbrouck
Heights Library earlier that evening with a friend. The two girls left the
library at approximately 10:00 p.m. and walked along the Boulevard,
stopping briefly in Powelson Drug Store. Donna’s friend recalled, in a later
interview, that they had observed a cream colored vehicle following them
during their walk. The girls parted ways in the area of Lasalle Street. Last
seen wearing a beige long sleeved top, striped bell bottom pants and clog
sandals. She was also wearing a thin gold necklace and a gold ring, with a
purple stone.
Body found
Sept 9, 1976 buried at vacant lot on 9 Camden
Street – parking lot expansion – stuffed into
plastic garbage bags,
No cause of death could be determined due to
Jean Wilson Day,
March 7
901 Gates Ave, Piscathaway, Middlesex County, NJ
Cause of death: blunt force trauma to the head.
characteristics: Sunday morning
Weapon not found. No obvious signs of sexual
assault and no signs of robbery or forced entry.
Discovered in her bed bludgeoned to death by her
ten-year-old daughter Ellen at approximately
9:15 a.m. Sunday morning. The two returned to
their home at about 1:30 a.m. according to
neighbors after visiting friends in West
Paterson. Jean Wilson
Day was a Rutgers University assistant professor
of chemistry and a former president of the
Piscataway League of Women Voter 1968-69.
She was divorced since two year prior.
Daughter did not hear anything.
Gail Ann Kalinowski, 14
1971 Sept 8
Somerset County, NJ
Cause of death: forcible drowning.
Forensic characteristics:
night disappearance near home - no signs of
violence determined on body when found -
presumed drowned - finding later revised to
September 8, 1971 last seen at about 7:30 p.m. at the
Parkway Deli on Dukes Parkway in Manville, which she left headed toward her
home at 1329 Green Street along a path through a field bordering on
Hillsborough, in order to get some money. At about 8 p.m. she responded to a
telephone call from her aunt at her house. When her mother returned home at
8:30 p.m., Gail was gone. A pair of broken glasses and a sandal belonging to
her found about 200 yards from her home and a 1000 yards from where her body
would be found. Her other sandal and two $1 bills were also later found in
the area.
Decomposing body found September 26, 1971 near Manville landfill off Dukes
Parkway in swampy land between the Raritan River and N. 13th Avenue at Dukes
Detective Stephen Champi "firmly convinced" that it was murder.
Body could not have floated from creek near
the site of the disappearance to drainage
canal where found.
1973: Asst Prosecutor Leonard N. Arnold "absolutely certain" that Kalinowski
was murdered and had a suspect in mind. Also stated there was evidence she
had been assaulted prior to her death.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE #5221, 14-18 est.,
Namus Case #
1971 Dec 6
Garden State Parkway, Galloway Township, Atlantic County, NJ
Cause of death: undetermined.
Forensic characteristics:
Date of death estimated as c.
1971 - found near Garden State Parkway
Facial reconstruction
for body discovered in woods off of Jim
Leeds Road near milepost #42 of the
Garden State Parkway in Galloway
Township, New Jersey.
5'3" 117 lbs, hair shades of blonde, brown and red with coloring additive,
ribbed blue cotton or synthetic shirt; white, blue, and orange striped
canvas or cotton trouser of the hip-hugger variety; underwear; white bra,
brown leather sandals, brown, wide leather band with small brass rings
containing a ladies Westclock watch.
1972 March 25
East Shore Road, West Milford, Passaic
County, NJ
Cause of death: undetermined.
Forensic characteristics:
African American female found nude in a
wooded slope on Hewitt Forge State Park
property in West Milford.
In her thirties, five-foot four-inches
tall, about 110 pounds, discovered March
25, 1972 at 4:28 pm.
Estimated to have died a week before. No
evident bruises, marks or injury and no
cause of death reported.
Found in an isolated wooded section, a
quarter-mile north of Greenwood Lake
Turnpike. Body was found 20 to 25 feet
down a slope off the nothbound lane of
East Shore Road. The woman had two
tattoos on her right thigh, three inches
above her knee. One of them was the word
"Sonny", the other was a small heart
above the word with an arrow pointing
down to the name. No clothing, jewelry
or other objects found.
The Journal News White Plains,
New York October 10, 1974, in story
headlined "12 slain since 1970: History
of area murders" states:
"A long unsolved murder case involving
an unidentified allegedly Spring Valley
woman whose partly decomposed body was
found in West Milford N.J., on March 25,
1972, was recently reopened. Village
police said last July they had
additional clues in the murder. But as
yet the victim has not been identified
and no arrests have been made."
Dolores Della Penna, 17
1972 July 11 Philadelphia, PA - Ocean County,
Cause of death: undetermined due to dismemberment.
Forensic characteristics: Abducted late Tuesday night near home - body dismembered and decapitated - multiple body part locations - skin off fingertips was cut away to obscure fingerprints - head never located
Abducted shortly before midnight Tuesday July 11, 1972 near her home at
4902 Rawle Street and Tulip Street, Philadelphia. She was walking from a
trolley stop three blocks away at Torresdale Avenue and Knorr Street. She
was wearing jeans and a halter top. The victim's coat, the key to her back
door and two crucifixes were found at the location along with a trail of
blood. Witnesses described the victim being dragged away from between a bus
stop and her home into a 1965-68 maroon Chevrolet sedan by a white male,
about 25, 5 feet 8, 160 pounds, slender build, with brown hair and chin
length bushy sideburns. He was wearing a light-colored, short-sleeve shirt,
dark trousers.
The victim was wearing four rings: a star sapphire, a blue stone trimmed in
silver, a ring with a garnet center and a St. Hubert's Catholic School ring.
It's unclear whether the rings were recovered with the torso.
July 22, torso and arms found at
Crescent Avenue and Oakwood Drive in
Jackson Township, Ocean County.
July 29 her legs found in Manchester Township near Cedar Glen Lakes
retirement community, Cedar Glen West near the intersection of Routes 547
and 571. Both locations were near Route 571.
Body dismembered cleanly by a sharp instrument such as a saw or knife as
opposed to being hacked apart by an axe or hatchet.
Jeannette DePalma,
1972 August 7
Houdaille Quarry, Mountview Rd, Springfield Township, Union County, NJ
("The Devil's Teeth")
Cause of death: undermined.
Forensic characteristics: A makeshift wooden cross at the body (or multiple crosses) and perhaps an angel’s halo around head made from twigs or stones, or a coffin shape around the body. Allegations and rumors of satanic cult symbols denied by police. A necklace victim wore was never found.
Disappeared on August 7, 1972 on the
way to a friend’s house. Seen at
several points prior to vanishing.
Remains found September 19, 1972 on hilltop known as “The Devil’s
Teeth” in the Houdaille Quarry.
Kramer, 24
1972 August 14-15
Elizabeth River Park, Union County, NJ
Cause of death: strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: abducted Monday-Tuesday night - found nude face-down and covered in mud in water ditch - clothing scattered in vicinity. Sexual assault undetermined.
Joan Leslie Kramer, 24, disappeared Monday-Tuesday, August
14-15, 1972 after leaving
for a walk from her parent's home at 65 Crest Drive, South Orange following a minor argument
with boyfriend during a party.
Wearing an orange and white ankle-length
evening dress, blue velvet
jacket, and a pearl necklace
and carrying a beige snake
skin wallet.
Police established she phoned later that night from booth about 1.5
miles away on South Orange Avenue, in South Orange across the street from a
taxi stand, stating she was "on a deserted street in Newark" and she 'd be
taking a taxi home. Seen getting into vehicle and driven away in opposite
direction from home. Habitually hitchhiked.
Found August 28, nude in ditch Chatfield section of Elizabeth River Park adjoining Elizabeth River.
Charlotte Jean Loomis, 14 [MISSING]
Namus Case #
1972 September 1
Newark, Essex County NJ
Cause of death: unknown.
Forensic characteristics: Friday - Disappeared in vicinity of Newark Airport - checked-in luggage arrived at destination
Charlotte Jean Loomis was last seen on September 1, 1972,
in Eatontown, NJ. Her parents lived in Detroit, but she had been staying on
an army base in NJ with her sister-in-law. Charlotte was having problems at
her family home in Detroit, Michigan. She went to stay for the summer with
her older sister Carole and her husband, who lived on an army base in New
On September 1, 1972, Charlotte was scheduled to depart from the Newark
International Airport in New Jersey, and arrive back home at Saginaw Airport
in Michigan. Charlotte’s luggage arrived in Michigan, but Charlotte was not
on the plane.
Caucasian female. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Charlotte has a scar on her
forehead. She has previously fractured her forearm. Date of Birth 03/24/1958
Very few details available on this case
in the public record.
Lilly Susan
(Suzanne) Kenney, 26
January 25
Possumtown Road and 49
Third Avenue near Rt.
287, Piscataway,
Middlesex County NJ
Cause of death: crushed larynx by undetermined means.
Forensic characteristics: Thursday morning murder. Laceration on chin and bruises to upper body. Found in wooded area behind an abandoned estate about 50 feet from Possumtown Road and 49 Third Avenue near Rt. 287 at about 12;30 p.m. Found fully clothed in brown and maroon plaid "mini-culottes", a blue sweater and matching pantyhose and brown shoes, wearing her watch and ring. No obvious signs sexual assault. Beaded 'Indian style' drawstring purse and tan colored ski jacket missing. The medical examiner ruled out manual strangulation as the cause for the crushed larynx and posited that Kenny might have been struck by a car accdientally and its frightened driver concealed her body.
Kenny was being driven home on Wednesday night by her fiancé Donald Koening, 24, from his home in the Regency Apartments, North Plainfield in her vehicle, a green 1967 Pontiac LeMans with a black vinyl top. At about 11:00 p.m. the vehicle ran out of gas close to the traffic signal of Rt. 22 near North Drive in North Plainfield. Koening left Kenny in the car and walked to a gas station within its sight. He returned but was unable to start the vehicle. Koening returned to the gas station and came back with an attendant to find Kenny had vanished. After searching the vicinity, Koening reported her missing to the police in Plainfield at about 1:00 a.m.
Her body was found at
1:00 p.m five miles away
by a Bell Laboratories
employee on a walk
from where she was last
seen on Thursday about
50 feet from Possumtown
Road between Third
Avenue and Rt. 287
across the driveway from
the site of the
historical former home
of Mrs. Sophy Kokenyessy
which after being
vandalized was burned
down by the fire
department two years
earlier and had become a
dumping place.
Kenney lived at 759 Somerset Street in Watchung with her widowed mother. She was a keypunch operator at New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. in Cranford.
Jan Andre[a] Cotta, 19
Namus Case
# MP5978
1973 June 26 Wall Township, Monmouth County, NJ
Cause of death: unknown.
Forensic characteristics: Tuesday late night disappearance near home in rural area
Jan Cotta was last seen at home on Ridgewood Road on June
26, 1973, where she provided riding lessons at her family's property.
Cotta was last seen in the barn tack house by her brother, Brian Cotta, and
his friend between 11:30 p.m. and midnight. A vehicle was heard driving away
from the farm and afterwards, Cotta was discovered to be missing.
Jan has a mole near the left side of her mouth. She was last seen wearing
blue Land Lubbers jeans, a white shirt with a blue design on it, brown
loafers, and she was carrying a round tweed purse. Jan may go by the alias
name Jane Andrea Cotta.
Cotta was five to seven months pregnant at the time of her disappearance. Her siblings are still searching for her. Her case remains unsolved.
Theresa Maria
Caserio, 16
1973 July 24, 63 Buttercup Lane, Willingboro,
Burlington County,
Cause of death: asphyxiation.
Forensic Characteristics: Found in a bedroom closet of her home - clad in an opened blouse and blue jeans pulled down to her ankles - Asphyxiation by a sock stuffed down her throat (or her stocking in other media reports) and 50 (21 in other media reports) stab wounds to the chest, one of which punctured her lung - beaten on the head with a blunt object. Hands and feet bound with stockings - mouth gagged. Monday morning-mid-day murder. No signs of struggle or penetrative rape.
Caserio was staying with neighbors whilie parents were away on a trip, but would return to her house to do chores. Last seen Monday 10:00 am hanging laundry in her yard. Witnesses report a sandy haired man, 6'2" about 40 years old, wearing a light jacket and driving a red car in vicinity of victim's home.
Ann Logan, 19
1973 September 18 Roselle, Union County, NJ
Cause of death:
abducted in
and found
near her
vehicle -
on exterior
of vehicle -
with brick
on skull and
face - skirt
pulled up
around waist
- pantyhose
torn away -
broken in
struggle - -
work late at
night - Tues
Seaton Hall
missing by
failing to
return home
from Stop
and Shop
at 300 South
in Garwood
at 11:30 pm.
Found lying
near near
her 1968
Cougar on
East Eighth
Avenue by
smeared in
blood found
trained in
fought back.
May have
with strap
of her purse
or rope/wire
and perhaps
A man's
soaked in
blood found
Found Wednesday, September 19 near her car on East Eighth Avenue in Roselle.
Suzanne Garden, 14
1974 January 27
Toms River, Ocean County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: Beaten about the head and face - found clad in blue jeans, panties, socks and boots. Blouse and bra found some distance from body. Stabbed several times in the chest. [post-mortem?] Sexually assaulted in breast area. No penetrative rape reported. Clothing reported to be different from that she wore when reported missing by her mother on Sunday.
14, left
from 329
Sunday, January 27, 1974.
afterwards. She was
reportedly seen on the next day in business area.
Body found
30, 1974
in wooded area near corners of Maplecrest Rd and Delaware Avenue, Toms
River, NJ.
Cynthia Leslie, 18
1974 February 26
Toms River, Ocean County, NJ.
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics:
Strangled with her own belt. Stabbed. No penetrative rape reported.
Clothed. Sexually assaulted in the breast area.
Cynthia Leslie, 18. Disappeared Wed, February 26.
Was on her lunch break from Ocean Country Advertising Service, 40 Iron
Street and was to deposit $6,000 in non-negotiable checks at a bank.
in the opposite direction from the bank, at 1:30 p.m. on Water Street,
arguing with a young, white male with collar-length dirty blond or light
brown hair, dressed in work clothes.
Body found five days later on March 3, 1974 in wooded area at bottom
of Messenger Avenue in the vicinity where last seen.
Checks found with body.
Margaret Fox, 14 [MISSING]
1974 June 24 Mount Holly, Burlington County, NJ.
Cause of death: unknown
Forensic characteristics:
Lured from home to an abduction in Mount Holly - highly organized abduction
On Tuesday, June 18, 1974 Margaret Fox, 14, and her cousin Lynn Park, 11, placed an ad in newspaper seeking baby sitter work, giving their two phone numbers: "BABYSITTERS - Experienced. Teen girls. Love Kids. Work at your house. Call..." The two girls lived on Penn Street in Burlington a few doors away from each other. On June 19, Lynn Park received a call from a "John Marshall" offering her work in Mount Holly to take care of "his five-year-old son". Park's mother refused to allow her to work so far away from home. Fox was then called and offered the same job which she accepted. "Marshall" instructed her to travel on Friday to the bus stop at High and Mill Street, in Mount Holly, approximately 20 minutes away, where "his wife would come and pick her up in a red volkwagen." Margaret wrote down "Marshall's" phone number. Later that night "Marshall" called again, and spoke to Margaret's father, changing the date to next Monday because of a "death in the family." The father would later state that "Marshall" appeared to have a voice of a 30-40 year-old male.
Loraine Marie Kelly, 16 & Mary Ann Pryor, 17
CASE CLOSED April 27, 2021
1974 August 9 29 Rolling Ridge Road, Montvale,
Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: asphyxiation forcible drowning.
Forensic characteristics: double abduction - murdered elsewhere and dumped where found face down nude parallel to
each other. There were marks indicating the victims had been bound at the ankles and wrists. Both victims had ropes loosely tied around
their necks with a type of hitch riding knot. Beaten and bruised. Clothing not found. Sexually assaulted.
One victims apparently tortured with cigarette burns - one victim lived longer than the other - held captive for at least 24 hours - Friday abduction.
Loraine Marie Kelly, 16 & Mary Ann Pryor, 17, disappeared Friday, August 9, 1974 after being dropped
off at a bus stop on Broad Avenue in Ridgefield, to go to the Garden State
Plaza Mall in Paramus. Girls known to have hitchhiked previously.
Found in Montvale August 14, 1974, next to 29 Rolling
Ridge Road, in a small slopped wood strip across the street from Ridgemount
Gardens apartment complex.
Believed to have been murdered elsewhere and carefully placed at the location. Mary Ann Pryor identified by a gold
necklace with a little cross around her neck. Both victims had their
necklaces, and one a bracelet.
Incarcerated serial killer Richard F.
Cottingham pleaded guilty in Bergen County to two counts of First Degree
Murder, April 27, 2021.
Doreen Carlucci, 14 & Joanne Delardo, 15
1974 December 13
Toms River, Ocean County, NJ
Cause of death: ligature strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: Friday night double
abduction - beaten
about the head and shoulders - strangled by an electric cord. Delardo nude from the waist down with electric cord wrapped
around her throat tied with a granny knot. Carlucci almost completely nude. No penetrative rape
Doreen Carlucci, 14 & Joanne Delardo, 15 disappeared December 13, 1974 after being dropped off by parents at a Catholic Church dance in Woodbridge, Middlesex County. Last seen 10 p.m. getting ice cream at a dairy store. Found in Manalapan Township Dec 27, thirty miles away.
Betty Jean Belt, 16
1975 July 1 East Brunswick, Middlesex, NJ
Cause of death: undetermined [skull
fracture probable]
Forensic characteristics: abducted and murdered near home -
decomposing body found in water in drainage ditch - clad in panties and bra
- blue jeans pulled down to ankles - blue shirt near by - upper portion of
skull and lower jaw found in vicinity - skull and jaw fractured -
disappeared Tuesday
Betty Jean Belt was reported to have run away from home at 664 Cranbury Road
in East Brunswick by her father at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, July 1, 1975. At 1:15
p.m. police located her bicycle, wallet and shoes on Old Stage Road between
Crescent Avenue and Fern Road, approximately a mile from her home.
On July 21 Belt's body was found in a a drainage ditch in Jamesburg Park
woods, about 15 feet through thick undergrowth from a 'lovers lane' off Port
Street near Helmetta Boulevard, about 200 yards below the point where Old
Stage Road intersects with Helmetta Boulevard on the opposite side of the
park. 1.8 miles from victim's home.
Majane, 15
1975 August 22 Moorestown, Burlington
County, NJ
Sandra Wood, 16
1975 September 26
Warren, Hunterdon County, NJ
Cause of death: blunt trauma.
Forensic characteristics: Tuesday evening last seen. Beaten to death with blunt instrument, massive internal injuries, ruptured spleen. No penetrative rape reported. Dead for 2-4 days. Clad in red bikini panties, white bra and blue socks. Sweater pulled over her head. Jeans, white jacket, shoes and blue suede purse missing.
Last seen heading toward home on Tuesday Sept 16, 1975, on Washington Valley Road west of Mt. Bethal Road in Warren between 7:30 pm - 8 pm.
Found Sept. 20, 1975, propped up against barbed wire fence on wooded side of Baptist Church Road, Pattenburg, Union Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
Ann Gorham, 28
1976 July 7 15 Arlington Avenue,
South River, Middlesex County, NJ.
Cause of death: asphyxiation.
Forensic characteristics: murdered in home - found on bedroom floor -
face up - in a pinkish-white short night gown - neck face and abdomen bruised -
ligature marks on neck - broken steak knife blade in abdomen - post-mortem stab
- Monday/Tuesday night
Found by estranged husband Tuesday afternoon on a visit to pick-up motorcycle
Sandra Kucks
Carroll), 37
1976 September 14 Rocky Hill, Montgomery, Somerset County, NJ.
Cause of death: unspecified strangulation.
Forensic characteristics: Monday evening murder. Found in own vehicle -
hunched over in back seat - near shopping mall - wearing only underwear.
September 14, 1976 last seen leaving home 9 p.m. in her Ford station wagon 6
Merrit Lane, Rocky Hill, Montgomery, NJ. Found 19 hours later in the back seat
of her station wagon on a gravel road leading to the Kepner-Tregoe plant on
Research Road in Montgomery, approximately a mile from her home.
Josefina Hernandez,
40, Elizabeth PD Case No.
77-8607 "Josephine
Dominguez" NEW
CASE ADDED 2024/11/19
1977 June 5 18 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, Union County, NJ. Found June 13, Dayton Street, Elizabeth.
Cause of death: stab wounds.
Forensic characteristics: Sunday evening murder. Found in own vehicle.
Nude in hatchback trunk. No murder weapon. Shoes and clothing missing.
On Sunday, June 5, 1977, Josefina, a gainfully employed, single divorced mother
of an adult son and fifteen-year-old daughter, residing with her daughter and
her mother, on Elmora Avenue, in Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey, went with
her friend Nellie in separate cars for drinks in the late afternoon at the
nearby Jetport Lounge of the Holiday Inn on Route 9 next to the Newark Airport,
where they talked with several men who had approached them.
Nellie left early, Josefina remained by herself at the bar for a few more
drinks with a man.
Josefina returned home at 7:30 p.m. from the Holiday Inn bar, telling her
daughter that she came to get her bathing suit and was returning to the hotel to
swim in its pool with a man she met there. He was in her car waiting.
The daughter observed the man in the passenger seat and later told police that
he resembled the actor Billy Gray, who played the son in the tv series “Father
Knows Best.”
At 10:30-11:00 pm that evening, Josefina phoned home and her mother answered.
The daughter was at the movies. Josefina told her mother that she was playing
cards at a friend's house with Nellie, (the woman whom she had gone for drinks
with earlier at the Holiday Inn) and would be coming home soon.
Nellie would later contradict that story, saying she never saw or heard from
Josefina after they parted in the Holiday Inn.
Josefina's mother and daughter reported her missing the next day to the
Elizabeth Police Department and her disappearance was investigated to some
Eight days later on June 13, 1977 the daughter and grandmother and family
friends were driving by the corner of Rahway Avenue and Dayton Street, on the
other side of the block from their Elmora Avenue home, when they caught a
glimpse of Josefina's bronze/gold colored 1972 hatchback Chevy Vega parked on Dayton
facing Rahway Avenue.
The daughter discovered her mother's body inside her car.
Cause of death were four stab wounds in the chest and sternum. (One stab above
the left nipple, and three above the midline area of abdomen slightly below the
sternum bone.) Three defensive stabs to the back of her right hand (knuckle
side.) A bruise on right side of her forehead at her right eye but no cranial
fracturing. No forensic material found under fingernails and fingernails were
intact. Lividity in present in back below shoulder area and above buttocks. An
extraordinary high level of alcohol was detected in her brain: 0.174%. Vaginal
swabs came up negative. Time of death was estimated approximately around the
time of her disappearance eight days previously.
She was placed nude into the trunk-hatchback compartment and her clothes, shoes
and belongings were missing. Josefina had a gold 18k medallion in her pocket
with her change and the medallion was located in the “left rear floor of the
victim’s car.” [Additional items were missing from the car are being withheld by
me for Elizabeth PD as ‘hold-backs’ for possible suspect interview purposes.]
Sigrid Stevenson, 25
1977-09-04 Kendall
Hall ,Trenton State College, Ewing Township, Mercer County, NJ.
Cause of death: blunt force trauma to the head
Forensic characteristics: found Sunday night 11:30 pm - killed
and found indoors - in college theater building on the stage - covered by a
canvas piano cover - face down - nude - in a pool of blood - wrists bound - her
blood stained shirt tied around her face - jeans found near by - bare feet
splattered with mud and blood - 15 deep scalp wounds, lacerations and fractures
of the face and skull - nose broken - two ribs broken - bruises on chest and
elbows - piano music sheets splattered in blood - blood pooled on stage - blunt
instrument weapon taken away by perpetrator - no evidence of penetrative rape -
Sigrid Stevenson, 25, of Livermore, Californian was a graduate student and was
believed to have been practicing the piano in Kendall Hall at Trenton State
College on the weekend prior to classes opening when the perpetrator attacked
her. She was found by campus police during a routine patrol. (College of New
Jersey today.)
Cause of death: mechanical asphyxia, caused by a combination of the adhesive tape being placed over mouth and the strangulation effect of the ligature being pulled around the neck.
Forensic characteristics: Abducted. Found clad in a nurse's white pants-style uniform with a short sleeved top. Wrists and ankles bore handcuff ligature lines on them, with the marks on the ankles being slightly deeper and more reddish in color. A very fine, deep ligature mark extended form the right front side of neck all the way around to the back caused by tightly wrapping a wire, cord or nylon stocking around it. An area on face approximately two inches wide and three inches long where there remained remnants of white adhesive tape, which apparently had been used to cover her mouth. A bruise over the right portion of the neck, a reddish bruise on the right breast, several bruises on the leg, thighs and inner thighs, bruises on the upper and lower arms, a hemorrhage in the left occipital bone just behind the left ear, and a slit in the left pant leg above the knee near the thigh area. Her white shoes, orange-brown leather coat and a neutral-colored leather purse were missing.
Found morning of December 16, 1977 next to a parking lot fence on the side of the Quality Inn Motel, Route 17, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J.
Last seen at 7:45-7:50 pm in the parking lot of the Ledgewood Terrace
Apartments standing by her car with a white male, 28-32 years in age. Her
apartment door was found unlocked.
Serial killer Richard Cottingham convicted in 1982.
Lorraine Rea Herbster, 17
Case # MP4585
1979 March 9
Mont Holly, Westampton Township, Burlington County, NJ
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE #1522, 18-25 est.,
Namus Case # UP1522
1979 April 10 New Jersey Turnpike near Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, NJ
Donna Cote, 18
1979 May 19 Piscataway, Middlesex County, NJ.
Cause of death: manual strangulation
Forensic characteristics: abducted and killed near home -
found face down in water in ditch - overalls pulled down to ankles - shirt
pulled up - multiple scratch marks on breasts and legs - bruise behind left ear
- water in lungs - Friday/Saturday night
1:30 a.m. the victim spoke on the telephone from her home at 647 Drake Ave in
Middlesex and told her friend that she was going out for a walk. She was home
alone at the time. She was found at 10 a.m. in a ditch by a heavily forested
area off 98 Mountain Road across from McNeil Park (Irishtown Park today) about a
half mile from her home.
1979 September 22 Jersey City, Hudson County, NJ.
Cause of death: undetermined.
Forensic characteristics: decapitated
1979 September 22, Jersey City, N.J. severed female head found floating in water
off 1 Street Pier approximately 25-35 years of age.
Karen Lynn Zendrosky, 16
Namus Case #MP4592
1979 October 23
Bordentown Township, Mercer County, NJ
Cause of death:
Forensic characteristics:
vanished Tuesday evening.
Zendrosky was last seen at a bowling alley which has since closed, in Bordentown Township, Mercer County, New Jersey on October 23, 1979. She may have gone to a nearby lagoon with two or three men. In 2005 police searched a sludge pit in Hamilton, Mercer County, but did not locate her remains.
Deedeh Goodarzi, 22, & "Jane Doe" est. 17-19 [ DOUBLE HOMICIDE ] CASE CLOSED 1984
1979 December 2, 515 W 42nd Street, New York, NY
Cause of death: Goodarzi stab wound through the back to lung; "Jane Doe" undetermined.
Forensic characteristics:
double murder - Saturday/Sunday - sex workers - found in New York hotel - bodies set on fire on beds - cigarette burns to breast - genitals and anus burned selectively - one victim penetrative vaginal and anal rape - heads and hands severed and removed by the perpetrator from the scene (never found) - one victim stabbed - numerous shallow ante-mortem and post-mortem cuts and scratches from a knife on both victims - bruised and beaten - victims sedated with drug. Deedeh Goodarzi, 22, a resident of 64 Laurel Place, Trenton, Mercer County, NJ, left for New York City on November 30, 1979 where she worked as an escort, operating from the Tittle Tattle Club near Second Avenue in the E 60s.Valerie Ann Street, 16
1980 May 4
Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen County, NJ
Cause of death: asphyxia.
Forensic characteristics:
prostitute -
abducted from New York City - found in motel - nude - hidden under bed - blow on the right side of the head and behind and below right ear - Bruised lip - traces of blood in nose and mouth - sharp delineated line in the neck from a ligature pulled from the right side of the body - traces of adhesive tape around mouth - nipples abraded and somewhat lacerated - three circular shallow lacerations around the breast - a laceration on mid-portion of sternum and left upper abdomen - bruising on legs - clothing and shoes missing - penetrative rape.
Valerie Ann Street, 16, found handcuffed and nude under a bed in Quality Inn, Room # 132, Route 17, Hasbrouck Heights.
Victim was a recently arrived from Florida sex worker who was picked up in New York City and driven to New Jersey.
Richard F. Cottingham convicted in murder in 1981.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE #1458, 15-20 est.,
Namus Case #UP1458
c. 1980
Atlantic Highlands, Monmouth, County, NJ
Cause of death: undetermined.
Forensic characteristics: unidentified female.
Facial reconstruction of of unidentified female found on December 10,
1988 in highly decomposed condition at Lower Bayside Drive in Atlantic
Highlands, NJ off of the Sandy Hook Bay. Estimated to have been dead since
c. 1980. 5'1" apx. 107 lbs. Hair/eye color unknown.
The victim was wearing knee-high socks and size 8.5 leather platform sandals with ankle
straps. Bra with lace material in poor condition found near the body.